Year 9 Enrichment Journey To Tignes Proves to be a Huge Success

Recently 120 Year 9 pupils and 15 members of staff went to Tignes, France for an enrichment programme aimed at developing skills to help them during their future GCSE studies. The visit to Tignes allowed the pupils to try new challenging activities and provide them with a new experience.  

To run the trip, we collaborated with World Cup winning former England Rugby head coach and former Director of Sport for Team GB, Sir Clive Woodward and the International Academy Apex 2100 to host the camp in the French Alps. 

Tignes proved to be a superb destination with a wide range of opportunities for the pupils, giving them a unique experience and allowing them to explore a different culture and a unique environment. 

In addition to the wide variety of activities and challenges, teachers used the week to educate the pupils important threads to their education including  wellbeing, sustainability, resilience, outdoor education amongst others. 

Activities included: rock climbing, hikes, mountain biking, art projects, a Climate Change workshop and local glaciologists, digital editing, nutrition, multisport, some of the pupils even braved a dip in the Alpine lake. 

The time in Tignes gave the pupils a platform to focus on their move onto their GCSE journey in the upcoming academic year and beyond. Providing pupils with a unique educational experience was at the heart of this week, offering them an opportunity to develop their character, friendships and lifelong memories.

All the activities were based on three objectives: EXPLORE – EVOLVE – EXCEL.

Jeremy Mather, Deputy Head Co-curricular said “I’d like to thank all the pupils who joined us in Tignes for their enthusiasm in throwing themselves wholeheartedly into the activities, workshops and challenges. It was rewarding to see them grow and develop in confidence within the space of a week, with skills and behaviours that I’m sure will benefit them in their future education and careers. Also, I’d like to thank all colleagues who worked tirelessly to ensure the week was a real success, and to all parents for supporting us with providing this experience. We look forward to our next cohort of Year 9s have a similarly transformative experience next year”