As one of the leading public boarding and day schools, we encourage intellectual risk-taking and deliberately create an environment where pupils are free to question, free to discover, free to try and free to succeed.

Although every pupil has different abilities, talents and levels of confidence, we believe they all have a unique contribution to make, and we ask each to aspire to the highest standards of which they are capable.

In the Upper School, the adventure of learning begins and pupils learn to cope with greater independence and more rigorous challenges. They develop the working methods which will see them through their time at Clifton College; at the same time, we do all we can to maintain their natural inquisitiveness and eagerness to learn.

At Clifton College, we allow individual pupils to follow their interests, while still imparting a common core of knowledge and cultural experience. We make no apology for fostering individualism and individual passion and talent, but we always balance this with a powerful community ethos and a culture of high all-round expectation.

Third Form Curriculum Book (Year 9)

Fourth and Fifth Form Curriculum Book (Years 10 & 11)

Year 10 GCSE Choices 2024/25

Year 11 GCSE Choices 2024/25

Sixth Form Curriculum Book (Years 12 & 13)