The primary aim of Physical Education is to introduce and allow all pupils to experience and enjoy a wide range of physical activities, in the hope that they will see the benefit of a healthy, active lifestyle and continue with physical exercise in their later years.
Activities within the PE programme have a clear educational objective. Teachers promote physical activity that is fun, leads to individual progress, and promotes self-esteem and a desire to participate in physical activity.
The department offers a comprehensive programme in which children experience a wide range of physical activities.
We aim:
- To develop self-belief, confidence and competence in physical skills – encouraging each child to reach their full potential.
- To develop each individual’s personal levels of co-ordination, fitness, flexibility, skill, speed, stamina and strength.
- To appreciate the importance of fair play, honest competition, good sporting behaviour and abiding by the rules and codes of conduct in all activities as individual participants, team members and spectators.
- To learn to cope with success and failure/winning and losing – while stressing the importance of participation.
- To teach that there is a place for fun and competition.
- To experience individual, partner and group participation in both competitive and co-operative situations.
- To encourage co-operation, teamwork, planning and decision-making.
- To appreciate the importance of valuing the contributions of others, whatever their level of ability.
- To learn to evaluate and comment on performance.
- To be aware of all aspects of safety and to be responsible in matters of personal hygiene.