The Music Department aims to offer all pupils the opportunity to gain enjoyment from this broad subject, at as many different levels as possible. The Department encourages pupils to learn instruments individually and to participate in a wide variety of extra-curricular activities. We offer tuition in a variety of instruments, with the vast majority of children making use of our facilities.

There are many groups and ensembles, an orchestra, swing band, brass group, a junior string ensemble, flute, clarinet and saxophone groups, guitar groups, a junior choir and pop groups. Performance opportunities, for individuals and groups, are available at special events, concerts and morning assemblies. The choir is also a major focal point, providing high-quality music for Chapel services, evensongs and special events.

In the classroom, all pupils are taught the rudiments of music and are introduced to various musical genres through listening. In years 5 & 6 all pupils learn a brass or woodwind instrument. In years 7 & 8 pupils have an opportunity to experience use of music technology on our classroom suite of macs. Classroom activities are based on the National Curriculum recommendations for Key Stages 2 & 3.

The Music School has a computer suite with 20 computers, allowing pupils to harness the latest technology in music.

Music Tuition

To request music tuition for your child, please email the music secretary on 

Music Staff biographies