Sip and Support – Charity Community Fundraiser

In February, the pupil-led Charities Committee held a hot chocolate stand to raise money for the British Heart Foundation and the National Autistic Society. With the hot chocolate powder, equipment and extra toppings (marshmallows and whipped cream were particular crowd-pleasers) kindly donated by our catering partners, Sodexo, the pupils raised £60.

To better understand the importance of the work done by the charities we are supporting this year, we welcomed a guest from the British Heart Foundation, who presented the work they do, and explained how fundraising efforts keep their operation running and growing.

Our pupils were surprised to learn that most members of the public would not know how to perform CPR, and have since shared training resources with their peers to educate each other on this lifesaving piece of knowledge.

Well done to all the pupils on the Charities Committee for their great work so far this term.