Focus on: Years 7 and 8 in Prep School at Clifton College

The ultimate benefit of Years 7 and 8 being in a Prep environment is to enable and empower the extension of childhood.

Allowing pupils to enjoy and engage in a range of activities which may feel more daunting and self-conscious within an older group setting, such as dressing up as a World Book Day character or getting carried away singing in House Song…

World Book Day 2021

Prep House Song 2021

Developmentally, Years 7 and 8 can be a challenging stage both in a physical and societal sense. Prep School is a safe and supportive place to take those first steps into increased social events, the world of social media, and other changes where the children feel comfortable to explore these at their own pace, whilst being surrounded by the pastoral scaffolding that a Prep School provides.

A Prep environment also provides positions of responsibility and leadership within the school which are incredibly important, not forgetting exciting to pupils. At Clifton College there are a range of specific responsibilities on offer, from being part of the Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging committee, to tackling environmental issues with the Green Team or joining the Pupil School Council.

The Green Team 2021

These positions are not just lip service to responsibility, they warrant pupil voice, which genuinely guides the direction of the school, and coincidentally helps to raise confidence and autonomy.

It is testament to our job if by Year 8 pupils are pulling at the reins, having outgrown the Prep School ready for the next step in their educational journey!


What makes Years 7 and 8 different at Clifton College

A feeling of nurturing progression marks the difference of Years 7 and 8 at Clifton College. New pupils joining us in Year 7 don’t feel like they are going back to Primary School as upon arrival each pupil is placed in their very own House with secondary aged pupils, but with the pastoral support network of a Prep School.

And in turn, our existing Prep School pupils know what a House System is and how it works, which serves as excellent preparation for the transition to Upper School.

Years 7 and 8 are granted a greater level of independence and movement around the school. They begin to engage with the Upper School, going over more regularly for lunch and for Chapel. We do not aim to iron out all the bumps in the road, we still want pupils to be a little bit nervous and a little bit excited for their first day of Upper School, but equally we are fortunate enough to be able to prepare them as best we can.

Pupils benefit from receiving teaching from some of our exceptional Upper School staff, whilst simultaneously getting to know different departments and further exploring their interests. Our Upper School pupils are also involved with Years 7 and 8 in various capacities from sporting activities, team events and interest groups, creating a truly cross-college collaboration and a unified student body.