The main focus for CCDT fundraising has been for scholarship and bursarial support and I am delighted to report that to date we have supported 45 pupils.

Many thanks to all these donors who have supported us:


Percival Benefactors

(£250k plus)

Chellaram Foundation
The Old Cliftonian Society
Joseph Cooper (NT 1931) *
Jonathan Glassberg (PH 1983)
Polack’s House Educational Trust
David Jones (BH 1955) *
John James Bristol Foundation
Mildred Tomlinson *
Michael R W Eames *
Anthony Gwilliam (NT 1948) *
Geoffrey Hardyman (OH 1950) *
Anonymous x 1

Guthrie Benefactors

(£50k – £250k)

Nick Porter (ET 1986)
Jacqueline Pullinger *
Mr D and Mrs H Stevens
Trevor Howard (DH 1932) *
Edgar Harborne (NT 1952) *
Roger Cooper (DH 1952)
Alan Morgan (NT 1969)
Isidore Grossman *
Simon Brewer (ET 1981)
Sir Hector Sants (BH 1973)
Stephen Zimmerman (PH 1967)
HSWJ Trust
Ian Lane (ST 1950)
Ann Futter Lomeli
Peter Tasker (NT 1973)
Sir Trevor Chinn (PH 1953)
Lin (NT 1954) and Judith Wilson
Michael Bailey (ET 1970)
Robin Bowie (WiH 1980)
Graeme McEvoy (SH 1987)
Lindsay Tomlinson (WiH 1965)
Anonymous x 3

Wilson Benefactors

(£10k – £50k)

John Pocock
Hugh Harper (WiH 1986) *
Christopher Trembath (ST 1980)
Marc Futter (OH 1939) *
Friends of Clifton
Tim Greene
Sir David Willcocks Music Trust Fund
Sandy Hett (DH 1946) *
Granville Davis (NT 1939) *
The J&M Britton Charitable Trust
A. Frank Petrosky
Davidson Charitable Trust
Arbi Gayrabekov
Michael Brooks (NT 1951)
Halid Musayev
Bob Frampton (WiH 1942) *
David Forbes-Nixon (NT 1983)
Andrew Thornhill (NT 1962)
Simon Makinson (WaH 1976)
Tim Ross
Sir Peter Job (DH 1959)
David Jenkins (SH 1940) *
David Killick (OH 1956)
Piotr Holysz (SH 2003)
Keasbey Memorial Foundation
OC Masonic Lodge
Sir Martin Franklin (PH 1983)
Peter Greenaway (NT 1950) *
Milan Morjaria (SH 1985)
Colin Hallward (ST 1953) *
Peter George (BH 1990)
Christopher Dale (BH 1988)
Agnes Weighell *
Thomas Elliott (OH 1982)
Patrick Howe (ST 1955) *
John Barron (DH 1952) *
Rick Saunders (DH 1981)
Matthew Kemp (PH 1985)
Peter Bartrum (DH 1926) *
Kadoorie Charitable Foundation
Geoffrey Mowat (ST 1936) *
Davy Pain (SH 1936) *
David Peck (OH 1939) *
Julian Tayler *
Richard Farrimond (WaH 1965)
Neal Foster (PH 1984)
Neal Constable (WiH 1983)
John Dayer (NT 1948)
Dorota Lyszkowska-Becher (OH 1998)
Aaron Banks
Neil Jordan (ST 1987)
Adrian Palmer (SH 1967)
The Harry Crook Charitable Trust
Gillian Blakeman *
Lindsay Tomlinson (WiH 1969)
Alan Mann PH (1965)
David Wolfson (PH 1953) *
Quentin Robey (WiH 1967)
David Schacht (BH 1953)
Raymond (Alastair) Channing (WaH 1962) *
Charles Rifkind (PH 1976)
Anonymous x 3

The Close Benefactors

(£1k – £10k)


The Commemoration Benefactors
(up to £1k)



Some donors choose to remain anonymous and their wishes are respected.

The list shows donations received since 1st January 2000. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list. If your name has been inadvertently omitted please accept our apologies and deepest gratitude for your support. Please contact us and we will rectify this as soon as we can.

* In Memoriam