Spring Open Day Fri 2nd May - Preschool to Year 8

Come and meet our wonderful staff, tour the classrooms and discover the Pre-Prep and Prep School, part of an incredible community at Clifton College. We can't wait to welcome you!
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Clifton College offers pupils a unique opportunity to achieve academic distinction and personal excellence. Each year, we offer a number of Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries to pupils with that spark of potential.

It’s all about the individual

There is no one particular type of pupil that succeeds at Clifton College. The range of opportunities available promotes the discovery of hidden talents, and encourages a higher level of achievement in every subject.

Scholarships and Awards

Clifton College offers pupils a unique opportunity to achieve distinction and personal excellence through the scholarships programme. Each year, we offer a number of scholarships to pupils with the potential to excel in their chosen field.

There are scholarships available at 11+ (for entry into Year 7) offered in Academic, Drama, Music and Sport, 13+ (for entry into Year 9) offered in Academic, Art, Design Technology, Drama, Music and Sport and at 16+ (for entry into Year 12) offered in Academic, Art, Drama, Music and Sport. We also offer a separate 16+ Organ Scholarship. Scholarships at Clifton College are merit based and competed for via examination, audition or other appropriate assessment.

The Polack’s Award for Jewish pupils is also offered at 11+, 13+ and 16+, supported by the Polack’s House Educational Trust. This is not an academically assessed scholarship, but rather an opportunity to support those for whom the choice to attend Clifton College is driven by their Jewish identity. Pupils in receipt of the Polack’s Award are expected to play an active and committed role in the College’s Jewish Life programme. For more information, please see our Polack’s Award for Jewish Pupils page.

The Scholarships programme runs alongside the means-tested bursary programme. Those receiving a scholarship will be able to apply for a bursary if they need assistance in paying school fees. Please note that all bursary and scholarship applications need to be submitted by the same date, please see below.   

Click below to view our Scholarships brochure.

Scholarships Brochure

Scholarship dates

Sport Scholarships

  • Application deadline now closed – to reopen in Autumn 2025.

Academic Scholarships

  • Application deadline now closed – to reopen in Autumn 2025.

Music Scholarships

  • Application deadline now closed – to reopen in Autumn 2025.

Drama Scholarships

  • Application deadline now closed – to reopen in Autumn 2025.

Sport Scholarships

  • Application deadline now closed – to reopen in Autumn 2025.

Music Scholarships

  • Application deadline now closed – to reopen in Autumn 2025.

Drama Scholarships

  • Application deadline now closed – to reopen in Autumn 2025.

Art Scholarships

  • Application deadline now closed – to reopen in Autumn 2025.

Academic Scholarships

  • Application deadline now closed – to reopen in Autumn 2025.

Design Technology Scholarships

  • Application deadline now closed – to reopen in Autumn 2025.

Sport Scholarships

  • Application deadline now closed – to reopen in Autumn 2025.

Academic Scholarships

  • Application deadline now closed – to reopen in Autumn 2025.

Music Scholarships

  • Application deadline now closed – to reopen in Autumn 2025.

Drama Scholarships

  • Application deadline now closed – to reopen in Autumn 2025.

Art Scholarships

  • Application deadline now closed – to reopen in Autumn 2025.

How to apply

To receive an application form for a scholarship and bursary, please email: admissions@cliftoncollege.com. Please note, in order to apply for a scholarship you will need to register with Clifton College first.

For further Scholarship details (age 11+) please contact:

Pre-Preparatory and Preparatory Admissions
Clifton College Preparatory School,
The Avenue, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 3HE
Email: prepadmissions@cliftoncollege.com Tel: 44(0) 117 3157 160

For further Scholarship details (13+ and 16+) please contact:

Upper School Admissions,
Clifton College, 32 College Road, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 3JH
Email: admissions@cliftoncollege.com Tel: +44 (0)117 3157 110


Bursaries are made at the College’s discretion and in accordance with the Charities Commission guidelines.

The College wants to be able to help support pupils by providing the right level of bursary assistance for families if they need it. This process enables us to support many more children attending Clifton College than would otherwise be the case.

Means-tested bursaries are only offered to pupils who have been successful in obtaining a scholarship.

Bursaries and scholarships must be applied for by the relevant scholarship application deadline date. Applications made after this date may not be considered.

The College bursary system is administered on our behalf by Bursary Assessment Associates, an independent company. This is a means tested process which looks to consider each family’s circumstances and the affordability of school fees.

Parents will be required to:

• Fill in an online application form
• Provide supporting documents
• Attend a virtual meeting with a member of the BAA team to discuss your application.

Bursaries will be reassessed annually to make sure that all assistance provided is appropriate and in-line with our charitable objectives. To find out more please click here: CC Bursaries 2023

Forces Bursaries

We also offer a HM Forces Bursary. Visit our Forces Families page to find out more.

Educational Grants & Charitable Trusts

There are a number of Educational and Charitable Trusts that will consider providing fee assistance. The Educational Grants Advice Service offers information and advice on finding fee assistance.

The Educational Grants Advice Service call 01932 865619.