Official completion of charitable merger of TMS into the CCEG

We are delighted to inform you of the official completion of the charitable merger of Tockington Manor School into the Clifton College Education Group (CCEG).

Since our announcement in November both schools have been working closely to finalise the legal agreement and on 31st May the official completion was reached. We can now celebrate this wonderful addition to the CCEG and the opportunities and strength it brings to the group.

We spoke previously of retaining the individuality of these schools whilst celebrating the mutual benefits of coming together. We have already seen many departments come together, explore joint ventures and share knowledge. This is only the beginning and we look forward to sharing many joint events and increasing links over the coming months.

The improvement and development of our facilities is a key aspect for both schools. Tockington Manor are delighted to be one step closer to securing their new on-site sports facility, whilst Clifton will see their new Chellaram Sport Complex opening in September 2024.

We have also seen the appointment of Melvyn Roffe as Chief Executive Officer of the CCEG, who had this message to share: “I am delighted to welcome Tockington Manor School as part of the Clifton College Education Group. Tockington is a superb prep school with a wonderfully caring ethos which enables children to thrive in all that they do. Tockington will go from strength to strength as part of our family of schools and I look forward to working with Mr Symonds and his team in planning exciting developments to further enhance the distinctive quality of a very special community.”

If you would like to find out more about this merger and the benefits it will bring then please do review our announcement booklet which we shared in November.