The study of Classics trains the mind in the qualities of logic, precision and expression.

It facilitates the study and practice of modern languages, including our own, and fosters an appreciation of the roots of Western civilisation. It also enables pupils to appreciate a range of brilliant literature and thought in the original languages.


We have four teachers in the department, all subject specialists, with a wide range of background interests, from Bronze Age archaeology to modern Greek poetry.

Our small class sizes permit ample teacher-pupil contact time.

The Classics Department has an extensive library, including texts by every Latin and Greek author of note, and many books on the civilisation and history of the ancient world. We also have much educational multimedia material in the library and on the College intranet, which contains notes, translations, vocabulary lists and other aids to learning.

Why Study at Clifton College?

We are the only school in the Bristol area to teach Latin, Greek and Classical Civilisation right through to Year 13, each year.

The department takes the pupils out of the classroom for visits to the great museums at Oxford and London, and to conferences relevant to their studies. We also attend performances of Greek tragedies whenever they are performed, and regularly embark upon trips to Greece and Italy to visit the major classical sites.