The visual arts encourage children to think creatively, make decisions, experiment and explore, and make discoveries of their own.
These are adventurous processes, requiring a balance within the curriculum that safeguards the promotion of self-expression and builds the confidence in children to happily take risks.
In teaching Art at Clifton College, we emphasise the use of ICT; recognise close links with technology; promote language skills through use of a specific art and design vocabulary; forge links with other subjects; stress the importance of drawing as a means to broaden visual experience and develop visual literacy.
Why Study at Clifton College?
Each year pupils will experience workshops run by visiting artists. These offer possibilities for creative work that extend beyond the normal range. Learning is enhanced through shared experiences, perceptions, cultural backgrounds and working methods.
Artists are able to demonstrate the creative process from initial conception to final outcome, and onwards towards the presentation and consumption of the work in galleries and the reactions of a wider audience.